Sustainable Journalism

My take on reporting and its evolution

The Blast that was Broadcast – CJS Best Bits 2010

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So that’s it. Exam results have been checked and verified and the majority of us CJSers have passed. The time has come and we can now change our email signatures to read real ‘Broadcast Journalist’. I can hardly contain myself. But that also means we’re dispersing into the far flung corners of the journalistic world and will not be sauntering around the corridors of JOMEC again any time soon.

Let’s then hark back on the year that was, by starting off with looking at our best bits below, so expertly put together by the notorious Nick Hartley and the magnanimous Huw Morgan.

Who would have thought a year has passed, with the highs and lows of production days, filming out on location, early starts for the breakfast shift and the joy of the television two-way from the newsroom.

For the more academic among us who can forget those enthralling public administration lectures, reporters and the reported and never forgetting Duncan Bloy’s masterclasses in how not to get sued the pants off through libellous broadcasting.

Further still, those glutton for punishment who were either brave or foolish enough to get up at 9am every weekday in the autumn semester to learn shorthand, I salute you, you’re made of sterner stuff than I. So here’s a treat – try flexing that grey matter and transcribing this!

Just think, now all we have are production days every day of the week. Just what have we let ourselves in for?

The year in Cardiff has had its testing times and for me it has only been bearable thanks to such a stellar group of people.

There’s been a lot of love between us. We’ve baked cakes for each other, we took a trip back to primary school and made a class tea towel, we’ve visited castles, been go karting, beaten City University at netball, almost went camping, bloody loads of stuff. For the love of cliché we’ve worked hard and we’ve played harder; Vodka Revs often did not know what had hit it! This all topped off with an end of term BBQ in the stately Llanishen venue of the Morgan estate, and the night that was Milgis.

What has been the defining moment of CJS 2010? For me I reckon it was the big man’s birthday. In the few shifts I’ve done so far, when you tell people in the industry you’ve been studying in Cardiff, it isn’t long until you’re asked the question “How’s Colin?” Well to mark the passing of Colin’s 62nd year two clever people had the ingenious idea of the perfect send up. They do say afterall, that imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

It truly has been a blast, and I’ll miss everyone who has been a part of my short time in Cardiff. The class of 2010 is bound to go far. However far that may be,  something tells me it won’t be too long until we see each other again.

All the best and stay in touch news team!

Halpin xxx

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  1. The videos are comedy genius!!


    July 2, 2010 at 11:35 pm

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